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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2022-05-17
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Heraeus Electronics Introduces Optimized Copper Ribbon for Laser Bonding at PCIM Europe
Heraeus Electronics today announced the launch of its new PowerCu Soft Laser Ribbons (LRB) for Laser Bonding during PCIM Europe in Nuremburg. This innovative optimized copper ribbon is proven to effectively achieve more efficiency and stability in power electronic systems. It enables module operation temperatures higher than 250°C and allows the highest power density designs.

In power electronics, the limit of current carrying capacity using wire bonding will be reached one day. Ribbon bonding offers an alternative to wire bonding and tape automated bonding (TAB), and is attractive since many conventional ultrasonic wedge/wedge wire bonding equipment can be easily adapted to handle ribbons.

Laser ribbon bonding is a new field of application for laser micro welding in the electronics industry, especially in the area of power electronics. It is particularly suitable for joining bonding wire onto battery terminals and onto DCB substrates and copper terminals in power electronic modules. With laser bonding, the application of ribbon bonding for much higher currents is accomplished.

In comparison with standard copper bonding ribbons, PowerCu-Soft LRB comes along with a special one-sided roughening to guarantee a more reliable coupling of the laser beam on to the highly reflective copper surface. The roughening process allows a residual-free clean and homogeneous surface. The PowerCu-Soft LRB can be processed with all currently available laser bond equipment.

PowerCu-Soft LRB is ideal for power devices and battery packages dedicated for high currents. In addition, cost optimization within production (UPH improvement) can be achieved by upgrading wires to ribbons. One PowerCu-Soft LRB (0.3x2mm) can replace up to three 500µm Cu wires.

To learn more about the new PowerCu Soft Laser Ribbons, visit www.heraeus-electronics.com

贺利氏电子(Heraeus Electronics)在欧洲PCIM大会上推出了用于激光焊接的优化铜带
贺利氏电子今天宣布,在纽伦堡举行的 PC IM 欧洲展会上,推出了用于激光焊接的新型 Power Cu 软激光色带( LRB )。这种创新的优化铜带被证明可以有效地实现电力电子系统中更高的效率和稳定性。它使模块工作温度高于 250 ° C ,并允许最高功率密度设计。

在电力电子领域,使用引线键合的载流能力总有一天会达到极限。带状键合提供了一种替代引线键合和磁带自动键合( TAB ),并具有吸引力,因为许多传统的超声波楔/楔线键合设备可以很容易地适应处理带状。

激光带键合是激光微焊接在电子工业中的一个新的应用领域,特别是在电力电子领域。它特别适用于将键合线连接到电池端子和电力电子模块中的 DCB 基板和铜端子上。通过激光键合,可以实现更高电流的带状键合。

与标准的铜键合带相比, Power Cu - Soft LRB 带有特殊的单面粗糙化,以保证激光束在高反射铜表面上更可靠的耦合。粗化工艺可使表面无残留、清洁且均匀。Power Cu - Soft LRB 可以使用所有现有的激光焊接设备进行加工。

PowerCu Soft LRB是专为大电流供电的电源设备和电池组的理想选择。此外,生产成本优化( UP H 改进)可以通过将线材升级为色带来实现。一根 Power Cu - Soft LRB (0.3 x 2 mm )最多可替换三根 500 微米 Cu 导线。

要了解更多有关新的 Power Cu 软激光色带,请访问www.heraeus-electronics.com


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