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- Source: MW Associates
- Date: 2022-05-17
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SHENMAO PF735-P267J Low Melting Point Paste Is Designed for Jet Dispensing
SAN JOSE, CA ― May 2022 ― SHENMAO America, Inc. offers PF735-P267J Low Melting
Point Lead-Free Jetting Solder Paste specially designed for the jetting process. It offers
excellent workability and solderability for automatic high-speed jetting production with superior
accuracy and precision.
Compared to contact dispensing, jet dispensing can significantly improve production speeds by
eliminating the need for Z-axis movement. Jet dispensing also makes it easier to deposit solder
paste onto surfaces of varying heights.

The low melting point alloy can reduce the reflow temperature to below 190°C compared to
lead-free soldering, typically 240°-250°C, decreasing PCB and substrate deformation.
Additionally, PF735-P267J provides energy savings, reduces the thermal stability requirement
of PCBs and components, and raises yield rates.
PF735-P267J is halogen-free (ROL0) and complies with RoHS 2.0 and REACH. Powder size
ranges from type 5 to type 7 for fine dot jetting. It is suitable for fine pitch and ultra-fine pitch
applications and devices with uneven, cavities and other difficult to print locations.
Dot volume, size and shape are easy to adjust and optimize for each individual component and
pad on the board by using the jetting system, and thus it’s applicable for fine pitch devices and
also minimizes failure rate in production.
For more information, please visit www.shenmao.com.
PF735-P267J不含卤素(ROL0),符合RoHS 2.0和REACH标准。细点喷射的粉末粒度范围从5型到7型。它适用于细间距和超细间距应用,以及具有不均匀、空腔和其他难以打印位置应用程序和设备。
SAN JOSE, CA ― May 2022 ― SHENMAO America, Inc. offers PF735-P267J Low Melting
Point Lead-Free Jetting Solder Paste specially designed for the jetting process. It offers
excellent workability and solderability for automatic high-speed jetting production with superior
accuracy and precision.
Compared to contact dispensing, jet dispensing can significantly improve production speeds by
eliminating the need for Z-axis movement. Jet dispensing also makes it easier to deposit solder
paste onto surfaces of varying heights.
The low melting point alloy can reduce the reflow temperature to below 190°C compared to
lead-free soldering, typically 240°-250°C, decreasing PCB and substrate deformation.
Additionally, PF735-P267J provides energy savings, reduces the thermal stability requirement
of PCBs and components, and raises yield rates.
PF735-P267J is halogen-free (ROL0) and complies with RoHS 2.0 and REACH. Powder size
ranges from type 5 to type 7 for fine dot jetting. It is suitable for fine pitch and ultra-fine pitch
applications and devices with uneven, cavities and other difficult to print locations.
Dot volume, size and shape are easy to adjust and optimize for each individual component and
pad on the board by using the jetting system, and thus it’s applicable for fine pitch devices and
also minimizes failure rate in production.
For more information, please visit www.shenmao.com.
PF735-P267J不含卤素(ROL0),符合RoHS 2.0和REACH标准。细点喷射的粉末粒度范围从5型到7型。它适用于细间距和超细间距应用,以及具有不均匀、空腔和其他难以打印位置应用程序和设备。
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