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- Source: MW Associates
- Date: 2022-05-25
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中国东莞 — 2022 年 5 月 — 1 Click SMT Technology Co., ltd 很高兴推出其新产品
Unit-i1 最新一代紧凑型在线选择性波峰焊机。不到 55 英寸长度,它结合了液体喷射助焊剂喷嘴、底部红外预热、选择性焊锡炉和 AOI 功能。这结果是一个全功能的助焊剂-预热-焊接-检测。
焊接完成后,内置 AOI 会检查所有用于桥接的焊点,少焊料,过多焊料,焊料颗粒等。此外,“修复功能”可以激活焊接“缺陷”再次自动定位。该系统非常适合现代智能工厂。
Unit-i1 可以独立使用,也可以作为模块使用最高的灵活性。对于批量生产,客户可以一个接一个地放置无限的板。为了生产不同的板子,客户可以分开每台机器,因为每台机器都可以单独工作。
1 Click SMT 制造选择性焊接、波峰焊Sasinno 品牌下的焊接和 PCB 处理设备。该品牌代表“智能和稳步创新。”对于其他设备,如 AOI、回流炉、保形涂层、点胶、印刷机、SPI、奇数插入等,1 Click SMT 拥有经验丰富的工程团队来采购这些机器并对其进行鉴定。1 Click SMT 建立了强大的全球分销渠道。公司拥有训练有素的工程师在任何地点为客户提供支持。1 Click SMT 通过““一键式””为客户提供便利。
如需更多信息,请访问 www.1clicksmt.com。
用于更有选择性的焊接和turkey THT 线解决方案详情,请访问 www.sasinno.com。
1 Click SMT Introduces Industry’s First System to Combine Fluxing-
DONGGUAN, CHINA ― May 2022 ― 1 Click SMT Technology Co., ltd is pleased to introduce its new
Unit-i1 latest generation compact inline selective soldering machine. In less than 55" length, it
combines a drop jet fluxer nozzle, bottom IR preheating, selective solder pot and AOI function. The
result is a full function station for fluxing-preheating-soldering-inspection.
After soldering is complete, the built-in AOI inspects all of
the soldered joints for bridging, less solder, excessive
solder, solder particles, etc. Additionally, the “auto
repairing function” can be activated to solder the “defect”
position again automatically. The system is ideal for
modern smart factories.
Unit-i1 can be used as standalone or as a module with the
highest flexibility. For volume production, customers can
place unlimited boards one after another. For the
production of different boards, customers can separate
each machine as every machine can work individually.
1 Click SMT manufactures selective soldering, wave
soldering and PCB handling equipment under the Sasinno brand. The brand stands for “Smart and
Steady Innovation.” For other equipment, such as AOI, reflow ovens, conformal coating, dispensing,
printers, SPI, odd insertion, etc, 1 Click SMT has an experienced engineering team to source these
machines and qualify them.
1 Click SMT has established a strong worldwide distribution channel. The company has well-trained
engineers to support its customers in any location.
1 Click SMT makes it easy for customers with “1 CLICK.”
For more information, visit www.1clicksmt.com.
For more selective soldering & turkey THT line solution details, visit www.sasinno.com.
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