- Author:
- Source: MW Associates
- Date: 2022-07-15
- Views: 2144Times
DONGGUAN, CHINA ― July 2022 ― Sasinno is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Don Dennison as its manufacturers’ representative. PIT Equipment Services, LLC will represent Sasinno selective soldering equipment in Southeastern New York, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware.
“Don is trustworthy, knowledgeable and respected by his customers,” stated Mike Young, Sasinno’s master distributor for the U.S. “I am looking forward to working with Don and learning from his experience.”
PIT started in 1988 with a mission to assist electronics assembly companies in the New York/New Jersey/Eastern Pennsylvania metropolitan area. The key to its long-term success is service and support of each product sold.
The Sasinno brand stands for “Smart and Steady Innovation.” The company has established a strong worldwide distribution channel with well-trained engineers to support its customers in any location.
For more information about PIT Equipment Services, visit www.pit-equipmentservices.com.
For more selective soldering & turkey THT line solution details, visit www.sasinno.com.
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