- Author:
- Source: MW Associates
- Date: 2022-08-10
- Views: 2115Times
STI to Present “Advanced SMT Workshop, A Comprehensive Study of the SMT Electronics Assembly Process”
MADISON, AL — August 2022 — STI Electronics, Inc., a full-service organization including engineering, contract manufacturing and training services, announces it will present “Advanced SMT Workshop, A Comprehensive Review of the SMT Electronics Assembly Process.” The four-day workshop will be held October 10-13, 2022 and consists of four classes for the electronics industry.
The classes will include 1) SMT Assembly Boot Camp, 2) Best Practices in SMT & Electronic Assembly, 3) SMT Assembly Troubleshooting & Process Optimization and 4) How Does PCBA Cleanliness and Objective Evidence meet Section 8 of J-STD-001.
The classes will be taught by Mark McMeen, Phil Zarrow and Jim Hall. This opportunity is a rare event with limited seating available. The cost for the workshop is $2,200 per person and can be booked online at www.stiusa.com/workshop or by calling (800) 858-0604. Hurry while there is still available seating – you don’t want to miss this!
About STI Electronics, Inc.
Since 1982, STI Electronics, Inc. (STI) has been a full-service organization providing electronics contract manufacturing, electro mechanical box build, microelectronics lab (clean room), rework & repair services, material failure analysis, analytical lab services, circuit design, testing, prototype manufacturing services, training services, training materials, online training, and custom courses. For more information, visit https://stiusa.com.
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