- Author:
- Source: MW Associates
- Date: 2022-10-21
- Views: 1014Times
The session, co-chaired by Debbie Carboni of KYZEN and Julie Silk of Keysight Technologies, will take place from 3:30-4 p.m. and is designed to provide a valuable resource to registered attendees.
Attendees will rotate through a selection of six tables hosted by industry experts and SMTA leaders on topics related to leadership skills, power skills, continuous learning, career development, encouraging innovation, etc.:
• Carolyn Duran, Intel Corporation, will focus on confidence and communication with the topic Communication with Confidence.
• Chrys Shea, Shea Engineering Services, will focus on professional presence with the topic Polish Your Presence.
• Rita Mohanty, Henkel Electronic Materials LLC, will focus on conflict resolution with the topic Resolve Conflict with Finesse.
• Jayshree Seth, 3M, will focus on technical skills with the topic “Cultivate T-Shaped Skills.
• Marie S. Cole, IBM, Retired, will focus on paying it forward through your power skill and strength.
• Priyanka Dobriyal, Intel Corporation, will focus on recharging your tools
The 2022 program focuses on using career advancement through using the tools in your personal toolbox. Each mentor will tie her presentation into a specific tool to create a memorable, valuable resource for attendees. These include a multimeter, two-way radio, sandpaper, hammer, T-square, wrench, shared tools and a power strip.
To find out more about the Women’s Leadership Program, visit www.smta.org/page/wlp.
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