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  • Source: Jaime Leger jaime
  • Date: 2022-10-23
  • Views: 1037Times
Isola Reaches Higher in Frequency
at 2022 TPCA Show in Taipei

Isola Asia Pacific will be well represented by its circuit material experts at the 2022 Taiwan PCB & Assembly (TPCA) Show, as they advise attendees on the optimum uses of their materials for the growing numbers of high-frequency analog and high-speed-digital (HSD) electronic circuit applications. The event, with its engineering conference and traditionally lively exhibition hall, is a popular meeting place for professional users of printed-circuit board (PCB) materials. The show, which began in 2000, is scheduled for October 26-28, 2022, in the TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall (Taipei, Taiwan). Isola’s design and application advisors, from the Isola Asia Pacific division (Taoyuan, Taiwan), will be available all three days of the exhibition at Booth N-411. The knowledgeable Isola TPCA booth team can help attendees with the fine points of specifying a circuit material along with its dielectric thickness and copper weight according to the electrical, mechanical, and environmental requirements of advanced applications, such as 5G networks or satellite communications (satcom) systems.

Isola’s professionals will be at the 2022 TPCA to advise on which of their materials work the best with different circuit applications. For example, Astra® MT77 laminates and prepregs feature low signal loss for HSD and RF/microwave circuits and are unaffected by wide operating temperature ranges (-40 to +140°C). The materials provide the behavior of PTFE circuit materials but without the many processing steps required for PTFE-based circuits.

TPCA attendees in need of high-frequency operation and fast digital speeds can also select Isola’s I-Tera® MT40 laminates and prepreg materials as the foundations for compact, multilayer circuits. The materials support RF/microwave/mmWave circuits such as 77 GHz radars in advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) vehicular electronic safety systems and will be well suited for small cells in the mmWave portions (above 24 GHz) of 5G cellular wireless communications networks.

When lead-free, RoHS compatibility is an important circuit material requirement, Isola’s I-Speed® laminates and prepregs provide excellent thermal stability at high frequencies and fast digital speeds. Based on a reliable, low-loss UV-blocking epoxy resin system, I-Speed circuit materials are FR-4 process compatible for flexibility in manufacturing multilayer circuit assemblies that include FR-4 layers.

Choosing a circuit material that provides high performance at reasonable cost and with realistic manufacturing requirements often comes to the flip of a coin. But with a visit to Isola booth N-411 at the 2022 Taiwan PCB & Assembly (TPCA) Show, and the help of the engineering professionals from Isola Asia Pacific (Taiwan) Inc, the guesswork can be left outside the exhibition hall, especially for those circuit applications reach into the RF, microwave, mmWave, and HSD operating ranges.

Media Contact:   Jaime Leger    jaime@jlegercommunications.com


Isola亚太公司的电路材料专家将在2022年台湾印刷电路板及组装展览会(TPCA)上大展身手,他们将向与会者提供关于如何在越来越多的高频模拟和高速数字(HSD)电子电路应用中优化使用其材料的建议。该活动拥有工程会议和传统上热闹的展厅,是印制电路板(PCB)材料专业用户的一个受欢迎的聚会场所。该展会始于2000年,定于2022年10月26-28日在TWTC南港展览馆(台湾台北)举行。来自Isola亚太分部(台湾桃园)的Isola设计和应用顾问将在展会的所有三天时间里在N-411号展位提供服务。知识渊博的Isola TPCA展位团队可以帮助与会者根据5G网络或卫星通信(Satcom)系统等先进应用的电气、机械和环境要求,指定电路材料及其电介质厚度和铜重量的细微差别。

Isola的专业人员将在2022年TPCA上就他们的哪些材料对不同的电路应用效果最好提供建议。例如,Astra® MT77层压板和预浸料具有低信号损失的特点,适用于HSD和射频/微波电路,并且不受宽工作温度范围(-40至+140℃)的影响。这些材料具有PTFE电路材料的特性,但没有PTFE电路所需的许多加工步骤。

需要高频操作和快速数字速度的TPCA与会者还可以选择Isola的I-Tera® MT40层压材料和预浸材料作为紧凑多层电路的基础。这些材料支持射频/微波/毫米波电路,如高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)车辆电子安全系统中的77GHz雷达,并将非常适用于5G蜂窝无线通信网络中毫米波部分(24GHz以上)的小电池。


选择一种能以合理的成本提供高性能并符合实际生产要求的电路材料,往往需要掷硬币。但是,如果参观一下2022年台湾电路板及组装展览会(TPCA)的Isola N-411号展位,并在Isola亚太(台湾)公司的工程专家的帮助下,就可以把猜测留在展厅之外,特别是对于那些达到射频、微波、毫米波和HSD工作范围的电路应用。


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