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  • Source: MacDermid Alpha
  • Date: 2022-10-23
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MacDermid Alpha Showcases Full Spectrum of Electrolube Solution at Productronica South China [SE1]

MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions, the leading global supplier of integrated circuit, assembly and semiconductor solutions for the electronics design and manufacturing industries [SE2] , will be highlighting their unrivalled capabilities as a total process solutions provider at this year’s Productronica South China, which takes place at the Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center, 15-17 November 2022, on the MacDermid Alpha Stand E17 in Hall 11.

MacDermid Alpha encompasses a full spectrum of industry leading [SE3] innovative technologies from Alpha, Compugraphics, Electrolube, Kester and MacDermid Enthone brands, giving manufacturers a distinct advantage in sourcing all their application-specific needs in one place. MacDermid Alpha has been taking a proactive response where innovation is concerned and identifying key areas in the market, rather than a passive reactive approach. Essentially, MacDermid Alpha, supplies solutions across all aspects of the assembly process from PCB manufacturing, PCB assembly and even reclaim and recycling services.  

MacDermid Alpha will showcase its’ latest new [SE4] low temperature solder material. Designed to mitigate warpage induced defects in temperature sensitive chip-scale packages, the ALPHA OM-565 HRL3 solder paste enhances electrochemical performance over existing low temperature solders and provides excellent compatibility when used in combination with other [SE5] ALPHA solutions for contact rework applications [SE6] . ALPHA OM-565 HRL3 enables superior wettability to minimize post reflow defects such as Non-Wet-Open (NWO) and Head-in-Pillow (HIP). Next generation devices require a larger footprint and thinner form factor design that deliver superior processing power over existing technologies. These next generation packages create challenges for assembly at traditional SMT reflow temperatures. ALPHA OM-565 HRL3 enables a reduction in peak reflow down to 175 °C to mitigate common warpage induced defects such as HiP and NWO to improve assembly yields.

Electrolube,the most recent addition to the MacDermid Alpha family of brands [SE7] is a specialist manufacturer for the electro-chemicals industry. The brand has amassed a wealth of local knowledge and experience pertaining to China’s domestic market since opening facilities in China twenty years ago.  The acquisition has proven successful for both MacDermid Alpha and Electrolube, the latter benefitting from an expansion of their Chinese Technical Support team. The brand has also recently launched a new generation of bio-based conformal coatings and encapsulation resins.  Electrolube’s new bio-based products build upon their already strong portfolio of solutions.  Not only do these new products offer environmental benefits but they also provide high performance protection and increase reliability.

Featured at the show will be a [SE8] new bio-based polyurethane resins, UR5645, is a tough, two-part encapsulation system ideal for a wide range of applications including automotive and marine. UR5645 is a highly versatile resin with an operating temperature range of -50 to +150oC and is a low viscosity resin that enables a faster and more efficient potting process. It also provides excellent chemical resistance to acids, alkalis and fuels, ideally suited for the harshest conditions, such as those found in automotive applications. 

Electrolube additionally offer a wide range of conformal coatings and thermal management materials. UVCL is a low viscosity coating with the capacity to cure within seconds of exposure to the correct dosage of UV light. UVCL is one of Electrolube’s next generation of VOC-free coatings, and the product’s low viscosity ensures that it is eminently suitable for selective spray equipment. The secondary moisture cure ensures even shadowed areas can be cured successfully.

Electrolube’s GF400 is an extremely versatile gap filling material, suitable for a wide variety of applications, including e-vehicles and chargers. This two-part silicone-based filling material cures at room temperature but the cure can also be accelerated by heat. An impressive thermal conductivity of 4.0 W/m.K is a feature of this gap filler and following cure, a low modulus elastomer avoids pump out phenomenon.          

MacDermid Alpha’s vast interconnection of specialty electronics solutions ensures that manufacturers can access all areas of the electronics supply chain in one place [SE9] . Visitors to Productronica South China are welcome to visit the team on Stand E17 in Hall 11 and talk to our technical experts on their application requirements.
Allen Chen, General Manager China, comments, “We are looking forward to attending the Productronica South China exhibition as a group of aligned brands offering cutting edge solutions for manufacturers. MacDermid Alpha has gone from strength to strength in recent years, developing product innovations that really meet the demands of our customers. Our investments and international collaboration with leading OEMs have enabled us to firmly position ourselves in the market as a reliable and trusted ‘one-stop’ provider at every stage of design and production.”

MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions serves all global regions and all steps of device manufacturing within every segment of the electronics supply chain. The experts in our Semiconductor Solutions, Circuitry Solutions, and Assembly Solutions divisions collaborate with OEMs and fabricators in the implementation of new technologies that redefine what is possible in device design. Our world class technical service is constantly at hand to ensure optimized outcomes in yield and productivity. Our solutions can increase throughput, reduce carbon footprints, lower total cost of ownership, and enable electronics innovation.

For further information, http://www.electrolube.com

MacDermid Alpha 在 Productronica South China [SE1] 展示全系列 Electrolube 解决方案
MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions 是全球领先的电子设计和制造行业集成电路、组装和半导体解决方案供应商 [SE2],将在今年的 Productronica South China 上展示其作为整体工艺解决方案供应商的无与伦比的能力。 2022 年 11 月 15-17 日,深圳国际会展中心,11 号馆 MacDermid Alpha Stand E17。

MacDermid Alpha 包含来自 Alpha、Compugraphics、Electrolube、Kester 和 MacDermid Enthone 品牌的全方位行业领先 [SE3] 创新技术,使制造商在一站式采购其所有特定应用需求方面具有明显优势。 MacDermid Alpha 在创新方面一直采取主动响应并确定市场的关键领域,而不是被动的反应方法。从本质上讲,MacDermid Alpha 为组装过程的各个方面提供解决方案,包括 PCB 制造、PCB 组装,甚至回收和回收服务。

MacDermid Alpha 将展示其最新的 [SE4] 低温焊接材料。 ALPHA OM-565 HRL3 焊膏旨在减轻温度敏感芯片级封装中的翘曲引起的缺陷,比现有低温焊料提高电化学性能,并在与其他 [SE5] ALPHA 解决方案结合用于触点返修应用时提供出色的兼容性[ SE6] 。 ALPHA OM-565 HRL3 具有出色的润湿性,可最大限度地减少回流后缺陷,例如非湿开 (NWO) 和枕内 (HIP)。下一代设备需要更大的尺寸和更薄的外形设计,以提供优于现有技术的处理能力。这些下一代封装为在传统 SMT 回流温度下的组装带来了挑战。 ALPHA OM-565 HRL3 可将峰值回流降低至 175 °C,以减轻常见的翘曲引起的缺陷,如 HiP 和 NWO,从而提高组装良率。

Electrolube 是 MacDermid Alpha 系列品牌 [SE7] 的最新成员,是电化学行业的专业制造商。自二十年前在中国开设工厂以来,该品牌已经积累了与中国国内市场相关的丰富本地知识和经验。事实证明,此次收购对 MacDermid Alpha 和 Electrolube 来说都是成功的,后者得益于其中国技术支持团队的扩大。该品牌最近还推出了新一代生物基保形涂料和封装树脂。 Electrolube 的新生物基产品建立在其已经强大的解决方案组合之上。这些新产品不仅具有环境效益,而且还提供高性能保护并提高可靠性。

展会上将展出一种 [SE8] 新型生物基聚氨酯树脂 UR5645,它是一种坚固的两部分封装系统,适用于包括汽车和船舶在内的广泛应用。 UR5645 是一种用途广泛的树脂,工作温度范围为 -50 至 +150oC,是一种低粘度树脂,可实现更快、更高效的灌封工艺。它还对酸、碱和燃料具有出色的耐化学性,非常适合最恶劣的条件,例如汽车应用中的条件。

Electrolube 还提供范围广泛的保形涂料和热管理材料。 UVCL 是一种低粘度涂料,能够在暴露于正确剂量的紫外线下几秒钟内固化。 UVCL 是 Electrolube 的下一代无 VOC 涂料之一,该产品的低粘度确保它非常适合选择性喷涂设备。二次湿气固化确保即使阴影区域也能成功固化。

Electrolube 的 GF400 是一种用途极为广泛的间隙填充材料,适用于各种应用,包括电动汽车和充电器。这种由两部分组成的有机硅填充材料在室温下固化,但也可以通过加热加速固化。令人印象深刻的 4.0 W/m.K 的导热率是这种填缝剂的一个特点,并且在固化后,低模量弹性体可避免泵出现象。

MacDermid Alpha 的专业电子解决方案的广泛互连确保制造商可以在一个地方访问电子供应链的所有领域 [SE9]。欢迎来到 Productronica South China 的参观者参观位于 11 号馆 E17 展位的团队,并与我们的技术专家讨论他们的应用需求。

中国区总经理 Allen Chen 评论说:“我们期待着作为一个为制造商提供尖端解决方案的联合品牌集团参加 Productronica 华南展。近年来,MacDermid Alpha 不断发展壮大,开发出真正满足客户需求的产品创新。我们的投资以及与领先 OEM 的国际合作使我们能够在市场上稳固地定位为在设计和生产的每个阶段都是可靠和值得信赖的‘一站式’供应商。”

MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions 为全球所有地区和电子供应链各个环节的设备制造的所有步骤提供服务。我们半导体解决方案、电路解决方案和装配解决方案部门的专家与 OEM 和制造商合作实施新技术,重新定义设备设计的可能性。我们世界一流的技术服务随时待命,以确保优化产量和生产力。我们的解决方案可以提高产量、减少碳足迹、降低总拥有成本并实现电子创新。

如需更多信息,请访问 http://www.electrolube.com。


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