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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2022-10-29
  • Views: 975Times
MESA, AZ (October 2022) – Nexa3D, a global leader in ultrafast polymer 3D printing solutions has released an ESD-safe resin for the fabrication of static-dissipative parts, powered by Mechnano’s MechT

The new Nexa3D xESD resin provides an innovative and cost-effective solution for fabricating high-resolution, static-dissipative parts required in a multitude of electronics applications, as well as on the factory floor when handling critical electronics components. The xESD answers the demand for rapid production and prototyping, allowing users to create custom jigs, fixtures, grippers, assembly aides, and enclosures in hours without the risk of ESD damage to high-value electronic components. 

The xESD is a rigid photoplastic material, which uses Mechnano’s proprietary MechT technology to create a stable carbon nanotube dispersion that delivers optimal static-dissipative performance and isotropic mechanical properties, which are required by the electronics manufacturing industry. 

MechT technology allows detangled and separated carbon nanotubes to be dispersed throughout an additive manufacturing material without re-clumping. In addition to ESD, the resulting discrete tubes can be tailored to specific performance requirements and deliver previously unattainable performance, such as a 50% increase in tensile strength, 200% increase in toughness, or 850% increase in tear resistance.

“Nexa3D’s new xESD provides an extremely valuable additive manufacturing solution for electronics applications and manufacturing,” said Mechnano President Bryce Keeler. “We’re excited MechT is now available on Nexa3D printers, and we look forward to working with them in the future on resins that answer the needs of additional industries.”

Mechnano is the first company to fabricate parts with carbon nanotubes using vat photopolymerization systems to achieve static-dissipative properties or improve impact, tear-resistance, and tensile performance. Its technology is backed by over a decade of research and development and protected by over 120+ issued and pending patents. 

The Nexa3D xESD material is available in black for both the newly released NXE Pro series printers as well as the XiP desktop 3D printer.





Mechnano Communications

+1 (480) 648-9919




About Mechnano

Mechnano, a US company based in Arizona, was the first to fabricate parts with discrete carbon nanotubes using vat photopolymerization systems. The company’s proprietary technology, MechT, allows for exponential improvements of nearly all types of AM materials with properties that were previously thought impossible.  Backed by over a decade of research and development and protected by over 120+ issued and pending patents, MechT enables improvements in areas such as static dissipation, impact, tear resistance, and tensile. Learn more at mechnano.com and LinkedIn.


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