- Author:
- Source: MW Associates
- Date: 2022-11-02
- Views: 1028Times
Seika looks forward to welcoming visitors at Booth #913 where the team will feature the Sayaka SAM-CT23NJ stand alone router. The company is sponsoring the Passport to the World of SMT for our young professionals at the booth. Additionally, Ogihara will present “Low Stress Levels on PCBs and Real Life Results when Incorrect Depaneling Methods are Used”.
Additionally, Seika Machinery is participating in the Women's Leadership Program on Tuesday, Nov. 1st from 1 – 6 p.m. CT. Ms. Ogihara will host one of the mentoring tables on “Polishing One’s Presence” as well as the reception. Also, Seika is a sponsor for the gift bag provided to attendees. All are invited to this free session and more information can be found at https://smta.org/mpage/smtai-wlp.
Seika also will participate in the SMTA Membership Committee and Ambassador Program meeting on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022 at 2 p.m. The committee and ambassadors will be updated on current membership status.
Lastly, the MSD Council meeting has been postponed to first quarter of 2023 and IPC/JEDEC/JEITA standards on moisture-sensitivity and related topics will be updated. Ogihara is co-chair of this council.
For more information, contact Michelle Ogihara at 310-540-7310; e-mail michelle@seikausa.com; or visit www.seikausa.com.
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