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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2022-11-09
  • Views: 927Times
AUSTIN, TX ― November 2022 ― Kodiak Assembly Solutions LLLP, a leading contract electronic manufacturer, received a 2022 CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY Service Excellence Award (SEA). The award was announced during a Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022 ceremony held in conjunction with SMTA International. 

To qualify for the award, Kodiak’s customers were surveyed to determine the company's level of customer satisfaction in various categories, including dependability/timely delivery; ease of use; manufacturing quality; responsiveness to requests and changes; technology; and value for the price. Kodiak received the award for Dependability and Timely Delivery. 


“We are both proud and honored to accept this 2022 Service Excellence Award from CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY,” stated Michael Harlow, Vice President of Sales. “We are especially proud to have been recognized in the category of Dependability and Timely Delivery. Our industry has been severely challenged over the last few years due to the ongoing global supply chain issues. This award speaks to the dedication and hard work of our Purchasing and Operations team.” 


Sponsored by CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY, the Service Excellence Awards for Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) providers and electronics assembly suppliers honor companies excelling in the crucial area of customer service. The program, now in its 30th year, functions as a way for participants to see how they compare to peers in customer satisfaction. It is awarded based on responses from the actual customers.


Kodiak’s Quality Policy focuses on services that comply with customers’ requirements, by understanding the needs of its customers and satisfying those needs while continually focusing on improving processes and procedures. Over the past 19 years, Kodiak Assembly has established a reputation for its high-quality, first pass yields and on-time deliveries. The company offers PCB assembly, test and system integration capabilities out of its world-class facility in Austin, Texas. 


Kodiak has extensive experience in a number of key electronic markets, including Internet of Things (IoT), Network Servers, LED Lighting, Energy Management & Storage, Oil and Gas, Industrial controls, Radio Frequency (RF) Solutions, Security/Access Controls and Microprocessor Embedded Computer Assemblies. 


For more information about Kodiak Assembly Solutions, visit www.kodiakassembly.com.




About Kodiak Assembly Solutions

Kodiak Assembly Solutions is an Electronic Manufacturing Services company based in Austin, Texas. The company provides printed circuit board assembly, test and integration services to companies throughout North America. Kodiak Assembly has developed solutions in its electronics manufacturing services with our customer's business goals in mind. The company’s strength lies in its experienced team, state-of-the-art machines, clean facility and quality centered processes.


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