- Author:
- Source: MW Associates
- Date: 2022-11-12
- Views: 1386Times

On accepting the award, Robert Boguski, President of Datest, remarked, “We are honored to have received another Service Excellence Award, Datest’s sixth in seven years of competing for it, in our category of test laboratories. At the same time, we are humbled, knowing that to qualify for the award, a company must put itself ‘out there’ to close scrutiny, and accept constructive criticism from industry colleagues. We accept the challenge, and expect to benefit from candid feedback that the award search process provides. It makes us a better, more customer-centric company, and renews us for the tasks at hand in the coming twelve months. Many thanks to our customers who participated in this feedback process. We will do our utmost to justify your trust in us.”
Mike Buetow, President, PCEA, presented the award to Mr. Boguski on behalf of Datest. Customers are surveyed to determine the company's level of customer satisfaction in various categories, including dependability/timely delivery; ease of use; manufacturing quality; responsiveness to requests and changes; technology; and value for the price
Sponsored by CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY, the Service Excellence Awards for Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) providers and electronics assembly suppliers honor companies excelling in the crucial area of customer service. The program, now in its 30th year, functions as a way for participants to see how they compare to peers in customer satisfaction. It is awarded based on responses from the actual customers.
With more than 38 years of expertise, Datest offers in-circuit testing (ICT), flying probe testing, X-ray inspection, boundary scan/JTAG testing, functional testing, failure analysis and other related analytical and laboratory services. Datest is an ISO9001:2015, ITAR and AS9100D-certified company, and a member of IPC, IEEE, EIPC and ASNT. Datest is a proud and active member of SMTA.
For more information about Datest or to view the company’s complete service lineup, visit www.datest.com, or call (510) 490-4600.
About Datest
Datest was founded in 1984 to address the growing trend of outsourcing assembly test services, together with increasing OEM demands that EMS providers deliver fully tested, functioning product. The company integrates traditional electrical board test methodologies (ICT, Flying Probe, and JTAG/Boundary Scan) with failure analysis (nondestructive as well as destructive), reverse engineering and “bonepile” rehabilitation, functional test development, and analytical laboratory services. Datest also offers comprehensive X-ray services (2D, 3D, and CT) for root cause analysis, high-level inspection and metrology, and dispute resolution. Datest is frequently the final say in third-party dispute resolution. The Datest suite of services includes a 225kV microfocus CT system from VJ Technologies, offering CT scanning and failure analysis services for all manner of larger objects besides printed circuit board assemblies. Datest is ITAR registered and has a quality management system (QMS) that is certified to ISO9001:2015 and AS9100D. Datest is a member of SMTA, IPC, IEEE, EIPC and ASNT (American Society for Nondestructive Testing).
For more information, visit www.datest.com.
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