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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2022-11-18
  • Views: 1053Times
PLANO, TX ― November 2022 ― Super PCB, a single source for high quality printed circuit boards (PCBs), announced the appointment of Mike Young, Aligned Solutions, Inc. as its distributor for the following states in the Midwest: Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Western Iowa and West Virginia. Mr. Young provides sales and support for Super PCB’s quality PCBs.


Aligned Solutions has been providing information, equipment, materials and services in the Midwest since 1976. In almost five decades in the Midwest, Aligned Solutions has seen the industry change along with the landscape of manufacturing. This has created a different climate for how manufacturing works and how to best support the industry, not to mention how to be a successful rep firm. 


Young has more than 30 years of experience in the electronics industry and another six years as a weapons technician in the U.S. Navy with an affiliation to electronics. From the Navy, Young went to Electrovert.  For more than 25 consecutive years, he's worked as a manufacturing representative for KDF Company and Aligned Solutions.  


Since 2003, Super PCB has been providing the best value in the PCB industry by offering competitive pricing at the highest quality and best-in-class customer support.The team at Super PCB’s mission has been and remains to be the only PCB source that its customers ever need. The company serves the telecom and Wireless, Transportation, Industrial, Medical, Lighting, Consumer Electronics, Energy and IOT industries. 


Super PCB offers USA manufacturing to support fast-turn and ITAR requirements, as well as overseas manufacturing facilities to support you prototype and mass production to lower costs. The company’s manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001 certified and UL listed. Super PCB’s state-of-art equipment and technology ensures the highest quality and efficiency. 


For more information about Aligned Solutions, visit www.alignedsolutionsinc.com.

For more information about Super PCB, email info@superpcb.com, call (214) 550-9837 or visit www.superpcb.com

About Super PCB

Super PCB is the source for all of your high-quality PCB needs! Since 2003, the company has been providing high quality PCBs to numerous companies in a broad spectrum of industries, from consumer electronics to telecommunications, new energy, aerospace, automotive and more. Super PCB’s facilities are certified to TS16949, ISO9001 and UL. For more information, visit www.superpcb.com.  


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