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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2022-11-19
  • Views: 1164Times

Wilmington, NC. November 2022 South-Tek Systems is pleased to announce that SMTVYS Technology is now the exclusive distributor for its nitrogen generators in Mexico. The leading professional group offers solutions ranging from industrial equipment, spare parts, technical support, consulting, world-known brands of industrial equipment, automation, peripheral devices, electrostatic and discharge (ESD) solutions.

SMTVYS was born out of the need for support and value for the manufacturing industry back in 2014 and the company has a large footprint in Mexico. 


South-Tek’s generators offer purities of 95 percent up to 99.999 percent. All units are custom designed and can be packaged with a dedicated air compressor, dryer and/or booster if needed for a complete turnkey solution. For larger flow rates or redundancy, duplexing options are available.  

As one of the largest manufacturers of nitrogen generators, South-Tek is capable of producing custom engineered solutions for all nitrogen applications and specifications. Its nitrogen generation technology safely separates the readily available nitrogen from the air we breathe using Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS). South-Tek generators create the highest quality nitrogen (filtered beyond the air we breathe), ready for immediate use by any application.

For more information about SMTVYS, contact Victor Madero at vhmadero@smtvys.com or visit www.smtvys.com.

For more information, please visit www.southteksystems.com

About South-Tek Systems

South-Tek Systems is a Pfingsten Partners company. Since 1997, South-Tek has designed, developed, and manufactured best-in-class Nitrogen generation technology. Based in the U.S.A., South-Tek has over 12,000 Nitrogen generator installations in privately held businesses and Fortune 500 companies.


Media Contact:

South-Tek Systems, LLC
Caleb Eagle


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