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Current Location:HOME
  • Author:
  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2022-11-29
  • Views: 1075Times
DERRY, NH – November 2022 – StenTech Inc., the leading provider of stencils to the electronics manufacturing industry in North America, is pleased to offer customers the ability to easily place stencil orders online with its new Online Order Management System. Customers can setup credentials to place online orders here

By enabling customers to order stencils online, StenTech’s goal is to make the stencil purchasing process that much easier. Customers can login to order high quality stencils at their convenience 24/7. 


“We're all extremely excited to announce the launch of our Online Order Management System,” stated Greg Starrett, Director of Sales. “It is extremely easy-to-use and besides being able to place your stencil order, you can upload your Gerbers, view the complete order history, track job status, view open invoices, etc. All the orders placed through our online system will be prioritized and processed in a timely manner. The online ordering is safe and secure. You will receive an on-screen confirmation upon the submission of your order.”


Additionally, a training video is available to guide customers on 

“How to use the online ordering system”. 


The company offers a complete array of stencil technology, custom-tailored to suit its customers manufacturing requirements. They manufacture all types of stencils for the SMT industry, from Laser Cut SMT Stencils, Nickel Laser Cut Stencils (SNL) and Electroform SMT Stencils, to High-Definition Print Stencils (HDP) and more.


StenTech has manufactured more than half a million stencils and offers a wealth of design and manufacture expertise. Its CAD experts combine industry designs and modification rules, honed by customer feedback and experimental development, with customer-specific design requirements and preferences to produce stencils that are right the first time. And, StenTech’s own StenCAD software, allows the team to accurately predict the transfer efficiency of paste/stencil aperture combinations and apply design rules to the stencil in order to optimize paste deposit repeatability – so essential when dealing with fine features and micro-scale devices.


StenTech offers a wealth of knowledge and technical expertise in designing stencils, wave solder pallets and SMT carriers. In addition, StenTech manufactures press-fit fixtures, vacuum support fixtures, hand soldering fixtures and router fixtures, as well as in-circuit test fixtures and functional test fixtures.


To learn more, visit www.StenTech.com or www.photostencil.com.


About StenTech, Inc.

StenTech has been leading the way in laser cut stencils, being the first company to introduce Fiber Diode lasers into North America. With over 20 experienced CAD designers, their strength is the support they provide in stencil edits, material, and thickness recommendations.  StenTech offers a complete array of stencil technology, custom-tailored to suit your manufacturing requirements. They manufacture any type of stencil for the SMT industry. To learn more visit www.StenTech.com.


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