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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2022-12-04
  • Views: 1046Times

KYZEN’s Sherry Stepp Receives Women of Excellence in Metal Forming 

and Fabricating Award


NASHVILLE — December 2022 — KYZEN, the global leader in innovative environmentally friendly cleaning chemistries, is pleased to announce that Sherry Stepp has been recognized as one of the Women of Excellence in Metal Forming and Fabricating by MetalForming Magazine in conjunction with the Women in Manufacturing Association (WiM). 


As KYZEN’s Global Marketing Manager, Stepp has been with the company for more than 25 years. This honor is well earned and deserved for her contributions. She tirelessly exhibits a professional mannerism to KYZEN’s clients and many other organizations. The ladies of KYZEN have set a historic trend of being recognized for their contributions by the industry. 


Joe McChesney, KYZEN’s Global Product Line Manager for Solvents, says “This honor is well earned and deserved for her contributions in our markets. She tirelessly exhibits a professional mannerism to our clients and many other organizations. The many hours she freely gives is very much noted and appreciated.”


The 7th Annual Women of Excellence in Metal Forming and Fabricating Awards are given to women in the industry who represent dedication to their company and the industry, and demonstrate excellence in meeting their workplace responsibilities. The goal of this section is not only to recognize excellence in our industry, but also to help support and inspire those that may be interested in a similar career. MetalForming will recognize all of the honorees in the December 2022 issue and online.


KYZEN connects leading science with care to create the most effective cleaning solutions for each customer’s unique manufacturing process or problem. For more information about KYZEN, or to ask specific technical cleaning questions, visit www.kyzen.com

KYZEN is a global leader in providing environmentally responsible, RoHS compliant precision cleaning chemistries for industries ranging from electronics and advanced packaging to metal finishing and aerospace applications. Since its founding in 1990, KYZEN’s innovative cleaning technologies, scientific expertise and customer support have been repeatedly recognized with the industry’s most prestigious awards. For more information, visit www.kyzen.com


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