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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2022-12-05
  • Views: 960Times
Singapore – 02.12.2022 

 Heraeus Electronics celebrated the 2nd anniversary of its Center of Excellence for Advanced Packaging in Singapore with a customer event.  


Established in April 2020, the Center of Excellence is a hub for both innovation and applications teams, aimed at the development of new products and solutions for advanced packaging that answer customer needs in the light of the latest key mega trends. Market trends such as 5G communication, IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence) and HPC (High Performance Computing) are revolutionizing our daily life and depend heavily on the miniaturization of semiconductor electronics systems. Heraeus Electronics plays a major role by developing materials and applications solutions for its customers. 


The Center of Excellence in Singapore focuses on product development, including advanced packaging solder pastes, sinter pastes, solder wires and bonding wires. It houses the latest equipment from powder development and chemical formulation, advanced measurement, to semiconductor application equipment.​ Today, the team is comprised of 26 research and development scientists, including 6 PhDs.


“Singapore is our strategic innovation hub for world-class advanced packaging development,” says SS Kang, Head of Innovation, BL semiconductor. “We are continuously investing in the Center of Excellence to ensure that the latest equipment and products developed are perfectly suited to high technology markets.” 


Since its inauguration in 2018, the Center of Excellence has seen an increase in capital expenditure (CAPEX) of more than 350 percent higher compared to 2017. In the last five years Heraeus Electronics has had an average CAPEX allocation of USD379K each year, which equates to a total USD1.9 million CAPEX investment. There also has been a consistent average operating expense (OPEX) allocation of USD2.5M over the past five years.


As part of its strategic plan, Heraeus Electronics will continue to increase its investment with the expansion of its current team to innovate current and expand new product portfolios to explore new markets such as high-performance computing (HPC) and Micro LED. 


The plan also will help to strengthen Singapore’s global position in advanced packaging capabilities, creating new jobs and further increasing collaborations within the value chain.


About Heraeus

The Heraeus Group is a broadly diversified and globally leading family-owned technology company, headquartered in Hanau, Germany. The company’s roots go back to a family pharmacy started in 1660.Today, the Heraeus group includes businesses in the environmental, electronics, health and industrial applications sectors. Customers benefit from innovative technologies and solutions based on broad materials expertise and technological leadership.


In the 2021 financial year, the FORTUNE Global 500 listed group generated revenues of €29.5 billion (US$34.9 billion*) with approximately 16,200 employees in 40 countries. Heraeus is one of the top 10 family-owned companies in Germany and holds a leading position in its global markets.

About Heraeus Electronics

Heraeus Electronics is a leading manufacturer of materials for the assembly and packaging of devices in the electronics industry. The company develops materials solutions for the automotive, power electronics and advanced semiconductor packaging market and offers its customers a broad product portfolio - from materials and material systems to services. For more information, please visit www.heraeus-electronics.com.


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