- Author:
- Source: MW Associates
- Date: 2023-01-08
- Views: 800Times
通过与Europlasma NV建立首选的合作伙伴关系,SCS推出了PlasmaGuard涂敷服务,Europlasma NV是这种新型无卤素涂层的开发商,总部位于比利时,是低压等离子纳米涂层技术的全球领军企业之一。
SCS首席执行官Tim Bender分享道:“50多年来,SCS一直致力于为客户提供行业先进的涂敷服务和技术解决方案。鉴于这一使命,我们持续评估可带来新材料和服务的机会,以帮助我们现有和未来的客户实现创新并取得成功。通过与Europlasma建立的这种新型合作关系,我们将行业先进的等离子体增强敷形涂敷技术和专业知识与SCS行业先进的涂敷服务和应用经验相结合,为客户提供更多的涂层选择,以满足其产品的独特需求。”
当被问及涂层公司之间建立的这种新型合作关系时,Europlasma首席执行官Tim Beulens说道:“30 多年来,Europlasma一直在开发和优化等离子表面处理和涂层解决方案以及应用这些解决方案的系统。我们很高兴SCS成为我们的全球合作伙伴,并为Europlasma PlasmaGuard涂层提供合同涂层服务,使客户以尽可能低的环境足迹实现产品的卓越性能,并为产品提供更佳保护。”
关于Specialty Coating Systems
SCS Announces Availability of New PlasmaGuard™ Nanocoating Services
January 5, 2023 (Indianapolis, IN) – Specialty Coating Systems (SCS) has announced the availability of a new coating line within its service portfolio –PlasmaGuard™ conformal coatings. Applied through a plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition process (PECVD), PlasmaGuard nanocoatings are environmentally-friendly, halogen-free and provide excellent splash-proof and waterproof barrier protection to a wide range of electronics components and devices.
SCS is excited to offer PlasmaGuard coating services through a preferred partnership with Europlasma NV, developer of this new halogen-free coating and a global leader in low pressure plasma nanocoating technologies based in Belgium.
Over the past years, Europlasma and SCS have worked closely together to enable PECVD coating capabilities within SCS sites. We are now pleased to offer the availability of commercial plasma polymerized coating services to customers.
SCS CEO Tim Bender shared, “For over 5 decades, SCS has been dedicated to providing customers with industry-leading coating services and technologies. In light of that mission, we continue to evaluate opportunities that bring new materials and services to help our current and future customers innovate and be successful. Through this new relationship with Europlasma, we are pairing industry-leading plasma-enhanced conformal coating technology and expertise with SCS’ industry-leading coating service and applications experience, providing customers additional coating options to meet the unique needs of their products.”
When asked about the new relationship between the coating companies, Europlasma CEO Tim Beulens said, “Europlasma has been developing and finetuning plasma surface treatment and coating solutions and the systems to apply these solutions for over 30 years. We are excited to have found in SCS a global partner that will provide contract coating services for Europlasma PlasmaGuard coatings to allow customers to achieve the highest performance and protection for their products, with the lowest environmental footprint.”
Depending on the variant used, PlasmaGuard coatings provide splash-proof or waterproof moisture protection to devices such as wearables and consumer electronics. The ultra-thin conformal nanocoatings are halogen-free, making them an ideal coating solution for the protection of sustainable electronics.
To help customers choose the best coating solution to meet the needs of their specific application, SCS sales and application engineers are available to discuss the benefits and properties of each coating solution. Bender concluded, “SCS is pleased to offer PlasmaGuard coatings along with our Parylene, liquid, ALD and multilayer coating options.”
About Specialty Coating Systems
Headquartered in Indianapolis, IN, SCS is a world leader in conformal coating services and technologies. As the direct descendant of the companies that originally developed Parylene, SCS has over 50 years of experience and expertise that it leverages for its customers through coating facilities throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. The company also offers industry-leading liquid coating systems including spray, spin and dip coating systems and ionic contamination test systems. For more information on SCS, please visit www.scscoatings.com.
About Europlasma:
Belgium based Europlasma is a pioneer and world leader in low pressure plasma technology. Since 1993, Europlasma’s vision is to help its customers achieve the highest performance and protection for their products, with the lowest environmental footprint. Europlasma achieves this by supplying innovative surface treatment solutions based on in-house low pressure plasma technology delivering both chemistries and equipment for medical, filtration, technical textiles and electronics applications. Europlasma is part of the Plasmalex group, a privately owned industrial group specializing in plasma surface treatment and coatings as well as converting equipment. It has integrated in-house design and manufacturing competencies and industrial-size test shops in France and Belgium, supporting clients around the world. Thanks to its organizational structure, Plasmalex combines the flexibility of an SME with the solid structure of a multinational.
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