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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-01-08
  • Views: 1107Times
SAN JOSE, CA ― January 2023 ― SHENMAO America, Inc. today announced the company’s 50th anniversary as a leading solder material manufacturer. As an award-winning supplier of electronics assembly and semiconductor packaging materials, the company has a reputation for its quality service. 

San Lian Lee, Founder, Chairman & Kelvin Lee, CEO

From its accumulated research and development, SHENMAO has successfully been approved by many international well-known electronic manufacturers. It is the motivation that makes SHENMAO products a step forward to be applied on not only consumer electronics, including motherboards, notebooks, desktop PCs, telecommunication products, but also high reliability electronics, including server boards, medical devices, military devices, and low orbit satellite communications. 

Dr. Ken Lin, Director of SHENMAO’s Advanced Material Development Center, stated: “As electronic vehicles evolve, the industry needs more durable solder materials that meet the very high reliability and wide process window requirements. In the meantime, ESG urges manufactures to find a way to make products while reducing carbon emissions. We at SHENMAO are developing new soldering solutions to stay ahead of the curve for the next 50 years.”


In response to the ever-changing development trend of various packaging technologies, SHENMAO not only innovates various solder materials to meet the latest market demand, but also actively cooperates with well-known EMS factories. With decades of experiences in related processes and materials, SHENMAO established an independent testing laboratory in 2020, CHEETAH Inspection Inc. CHEETAH has obtained the ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory quality management system certification, and focuses on the testing and verification of the reliability and failure analysis of various products and processes.


SHENMAO has integrated a talented group of sales and support personnel and staffed them throughout its worldwide branch offices and service center locations to a responsive customer service. The company is headquartered in Taiwan with subsidiaries in major markets including the Dong Guan, Suzhou in China, Malaysia, Thailand, Europe and America.


SHENMAO is dedicated to the production of solder products including Water Soluble and No-clean Solder Paste, Laser Solder Paste, Solder Preforms, Cored Solder Wire, Wave Solder Bar Alloys, Wave Soldering Fluxes, Extremely Pure Solder Powder up to Type 8, BGA and Micro BGA Solder Sphere, Wafer Level Packaging Solder Paste and Fluxes, LED Die Attach Paste, High Performance Liquid Fluxes, Solder Preform, Solar Ribbon, Plating Anode used in PCB Fabrication, Assembly and Semiconductor Packaging Processes. For more information, visit www.shenmao.com.


For more information, please visit www.shenmao.com





SHENMAO is dedicated to the production of solder products including Water Soluble and No-clean Solder Paste, Laser Solder Paste, Solder Preforms, Cored Solder Wire, Wave Solder Bar Alloys, Wave Soldering Fluxes, Extremely Pure Solder Powder up to Type 8, BGA and Micro BGA Solder Sphere, Wafer Level Packaging Solder Paste and Fluxes, LED Die Attach Paste, High Performance Liquid Fluxes, Solder Preform, Solar Ribbon, Plating Anode used in PCB Fabrication, Assembly and Semiconductor Packaging Processes.


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