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Current Location:HOME
  • Author:
  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-01-13
  • Views: 940Times
GARDENA, CA ― January 2023 ― Pemtron Technology, an inspection equipment developer and supplier, is pleased to announce that the company has added direct support in Canada. 

In addition to its local manufacturers’ representative, BROCK Electronics, the company has hired a specialized printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) technician with extensive hands-on experience based in Toronto, Canada.


Pemtron’s new Field Service Engineer has proven experience with SMT & PTH machine

programming, setup and operation, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting and problem solving. In addition to providing maintenance and support, the new FSE will help Pemtron customers improve production efficiency and production quality. He earned his degree in Electronics Engineering. 


Pemtron aims to become the unrivaled global No. 1 company in the field of inspection equipment based on state-of-the-art equipment equipped with the best hardware and software. Offering local support for its customers worldwide is a key step in the company’s strategy.


“Due to travel restrictions at the beginning of COVID-19, it was difficult to get to our customers in Canada,” said Steven T. Wongsonvanee, General Manager - Americas. “This is why it is so important to have feet on the ground and the ability to offer our customers in Canada fast support.”


Pemtron manufactures and sells 3D precision process inspection equipment in the SMT, semiconductor and secondary battery fields. Its equipment is based on inspection technology using 3D measurement and AI deep learning based on machine vision and image processing S/W technology using industrial high-speed camera images.


BROCK Electronics represents Pemtron throughout Canada. Founded in 1967, BROCK Electronics is a manufacturers’ representative providing equipment and supplies to the electronics assembly industry in Canada. For more information, visit www.brockelectronics.com


For more information about Pemtron, visit https://pemtron.com/


About Pemtron

Based on 3D precision measurement and vision source technology, Pemtron develops equipment

used in various fields such as SMT, Automotive Field, Lead Tab, Semiconductor, and supplies

Soldering Inspection equipment (3D SPI), 3D Mounting Inspection equipment (3D AOI, MOI),

Wafer Bump 3D Inspection equipment, Wire Bonding 3D Inspection equipment, and Lead Tab Process/Inspection equipment.


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