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Current Location:HOME
  • Author:
  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-01-19
  • Views: 7810Times
Cohoes, NY – January 2023 – PVA, a global supplier of automated dispensing and coating equipment, is pleased to start the New Year with the launch of its new PVA eShop. Customers can now purchase an array of PVA products directly from the eShop without needing to call or email inside sales to place an order.

Customers can easily filter by category or search directly by SKU/product number and browse/research products, including cartridges, controllers, spare parts kits, syringes, valves and more. After creating an account, customers can view previous purchases and store frequently used addresses/payment methods for easy ordering. 

Discounts are available for bulk purchases on select products. If additional assistance is required, customers can contact the PVA sales team directly from the eShop. To place an order, visit https://shop.pva.net/

When it comes to electronics manufacturing technology, a one-size-fits-all mentality just doesn’t fit. That is why PVA combines it application expertise with innovative dispensing robotics and precision valve technology to deliver each client a custom-built solution that revolves around their needs.

Dispensing can extend across numerous industries and applications that require dosing in an accurate and controlled manner. PVA’s award-winning valves and pumps are available to dispense a broad spectrum of chemistries to meet the requirements of the most demanding applications.

For more information about PVA, please contact PVA at info@pva.net or (518) 371-2684.


PVA’s customer driven solutions are utilized worldwide in applications for printed circuit assembly, semiconductor packaging, medical device manufacturing, telecommunications, solar, and consumer electronics. Throughout the changing global manufacturing landscape, from laboratory applications to advance production systems, PVA provides technologies that deliver unmatched precision and reliability. 

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