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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-02-14
  • Views: 909Times
SANFORD, FL ― February 2023 ― Hernon Manufacturing, Inc.® is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with Bonding S.R.O. Effective as of February 1st, 2023, Bonding S.R.O. handles sales, service and support for Hernon in Europe and the Middle East region.

For more than 15 years Bonding S.R.O. has provided a high-level of service for its customers and now Hernon’s customers in this territory will benefit from their local stock and factory trained support personnel. Hernon Founder, President & CEO Harry Arnon said, “Getting closer to the customer allows us to better define customer needs and develop a total solution.” Like Hernon, Bonding S.R.O. specializes in unique adhesive formulas, resulting in a synergistic relationship.


Hernon now exports to more than 60 nations around the world, having won the presidential “E” award for exports, and is a world leader in technical processes for applying UV curable sealant to oil shaft seals as well as applying and curing sealant on ammunition. The company offers more than 5000 unique adhesive formulas and dozens of precision dispensing machines to offer customers a total solution. With 45 years of established business history and fueled by several years of double-digit sales growth, this company is gaining momentum and is a company to watch going forward.


Bonding S.R.O. is registered in Slovakia and serves customers from its warehouse in Hungary. They have deep ties to the European manufacturing community with decade long relationships to many Hernon customers in the region. Per their namesake, Bonding S.R.O. is a reliable resource to local business for adhesives, sealants, dispensing and curing. 


For more information, visit www.hernon.com



About Hernon®

Hernon Manufacturing, Inc.® produces high-performance adhesives, sealants, UV LED curing lights and precision dispensing systems. Hernon® maintains a library unique adhesive and sealant formulas in addition to creating customized formulas to address specific manufacturing challenges. A full in-house chemical laboratory ensures quick turn around on testing and development projects and an on-site equipment division allows Hernon® to build, service and integrate unique dispensing systems to even the most exacting specifications. This integration helps Hernon® to provide customers with a Total Solution for any unique application.

Hernon® Manufacturing is headquartered in Sanford, FL. and maintains an ever-expanding network of over 100 distributor and partner locations around the globe. Already shipping to over 60 nations, Hernon® can provide adhesive solutions to manufacturing operations anywhere in the world.


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