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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-02-18
  • Views: 1026Times
AUSTIN, TX ― February 2023 ― Cetec ERP, a leading cloud ERP software provider, provides web-based ERP for Wire Harness & Cable Assembly. The company is known among electronics assembly companies as the industry standard business software system for ERP, MRP, QMS, MES, supply chain management and more. 

Cetec ERP is a manufacturing-focused ERP with an integrated, intuitive, production-rich suite of features for shop floor management, inspections and data collection, time tracking, tool/asset maintenance, that is built for customers to more effectively manage a complex high-mix, low-volume manufacturing environment.

Additionally, Cetec ERP helps customers manage high-mix inventories with thousands of product SKUs using mobile tablets, scanners and barcode labels, for powerful inventory control and traceability. End-to-end cost estimation across complex multi-level BOM structures help predict material and labor costs of demanding customer requirements and quick turn jobs. 


Cetec ERP’s leading-edge system helps customers handle stringent regulatory requirements and track dynamic production environments, all from a single, friendly web interface. All modules, support, maintenance and upgrades are included in the monthly subscription. 


To learn more, visit http://cetecerp.com/

About Cetec ERP

Cetec ERP was founded by seasoned ERP specialists with a desire to help businesses run their operations more efficiently. This desire led to a cloud-native platform with innovative features, available at a fraction of the cost of the typical ERP system. For more information, visit http://cetecerp.com/


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