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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-02-26
  • Views: 3193Times
SAN JOSE, CA ― February 2023 ― SHENMAO America, Inc. has released its PF735-PQ10-10L Low Melting Point Lead-Free Solder Paste. The paste has been designed specifically for the SMT process and is applicable to the high-speed printing process to increase production capacity. 

The demand for ultra-thin packages continues to increase. This reduction in package thickness has led to an increase in warpage, resulting in production yield loss.


PF735-PQ10-10L offers some important benefits when it comes to SMT assembly. The low-temperature solder paste can reduce the reflow temperature to below 190°C compared to lead-free soldering, which is typically 240°-250°C. When compared with SnAgCu, the PQ10 series of low-temperature solder paste reduces peak reflow temperature, energy consumption, and warpage of PCBs and components.


In comparison with the Sn42/Bi58 Eutectic alloy, the PQ10 series offers better ductility, finer microstructure, and increased drop and thermal reliability. PF735-PQ10-10L is suitable for precise electronic products, such as laptops, PCs, servers and LED modules. Furthermore, it has been successfully mass produced on laptops.


PF735-PQ10-10L is Halogen-free (ROL0) with no halogen intentionally added. It complies with RoHS, RoHS 2.0 and REACH.


For more information, please visit www.shenmao.com



SHENMAO is dedicated to the production of solder products including Water Soluble and No-clean Solder Paste, Laser Solder Paste, Solder Preforms, Cored Solder Wire, Wave Solder Bar Alloys, Wave Soldering Fluxes, Extremely Pure Solder Powder up to Type 8, BGA and Micro BGA Solder Sphere, Wafer Level Packaging Solder Paste and Fluxes, LED Die Attach Paste, High Performance Liquid Fluxes, Solder Preform, Solar Ribbon, Plating Anode used in PCB Fabrication, Assembly and Semiconductor Packaging Processes.


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