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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-03-07
  • Views: 959Times
MORRISVILLE, NC ⎯ March 2023 ⎯ Juki Automation Systems (JAS), Inc., a world-leading provider of automated assembly products and systems and subsidiary of Juki Corporation, announced that Greg Lefebvre has been promoted to National Sales Manager. 


“Juki is extremely honored to announce this well deserved promotion.  Greg has demonstrated amazing creativity, work ethics, and customer consultation skills,” stated Bill Astle, President & CEO. “He has exceled at Juki Automation Systems by using deep industry knowledge combined with stellar sales, engineering, and business acumen.  His strategic planning, execution, and harmonious approach to sales ensures we all keep a keen eye on the prize, and stay laser focused moving forward regardless of the challenge.”    


Lefebvre has more than 30 years of experience managing inside/outside personnel, marketing objectives and sales performance for North and South America. He has a strong track record for helping Juki win new business and optimizing customer retention with top decision makers through relationship building, trust and knowledge of the product line. 


An experienced sales executive, Lefebvre has held roles with respected companies including Motorola and Speedline Technologies. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical / Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. 


Lefebvre can be reached directly at 443-255-8466 or greg.lefebvre@juki.com.


For more information about Juki, visit www.jukiamericas.com.



About Juki Automation Systems, Inc.
Juki Automation Systems (JAS), is an international leader in high-speed SMT Assembly equipment, has shipped more than 50,000 machines worldwide since 1987.  Juki has built its global image with a combination of top-quality and high-reliability machines with a reputation for world-class service and support that result in the lowest production costs for its customers. Juki machines have about 30 percent U.S. made content by cost. The pioneer of the modular assembly system in 1993, Juki offers flexible solutions designed for both high-volume and high mix environments.  JAS, Inc. employs 45 U.S. employees, including 20 service personnel five specializing in applications sales.


Additionally, JAS, Inc. offers a full line of SMT manufacturing products as wells as selective solder and stamp soldering machines plus Advanced Technology through-hole machines.   Juki supports one of the largest field service groups in the industry.  For more information, visit www.jukiamericas.com.

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