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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-04-06
  • Views: 2105Times
NASHVILLE — March 2023 — KYZEN, the global leader in innovative environmentally friendly cleaning chemistries, will exhibit at the SMTA Boise Expo & Tech Forum, scheduled to take place Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at The Grove Hotel in Boise, Idaho.  Visit KYZEN for answers regarding electronics cleaning challenges. Cleaning experts will be in the booth to provide a total cleaning solution.

KYZEN will be highlighting their award-winning combination of chemistry and process control. For more than 30 years, KYZEN's focus has been to look at the complete process and work with them to improve that process. Their aim is to ultimately increase yields, advance reliability and help to realize cost savings along the way. KYZEN’s newest aqueous cleaning chemistry, AQUANOX A4626, paired with the KYZEN PCS accomplishes that goal. 

AQUANOX A4626 is easy-to-use and control, environmentally friendly, and has a long tank life that makes it safe for multi-pass applications. Using A4626 with the KYZEN Process Control System (PCS) to monitor and automatically react to the dynamic changes in the wash bath concentration completes the process. A4626 paired with the PCS is the perfect combination – Chemistry and Control are hard at work.


To keep up with all the latest news regarding KYZEN at the SMTA Boise Expo and more, visit https://www.kyzen.com/about-kyzen/events/. 

KYZEN is a global leader in providing environmentally responsible, RoHS compliant precision cleaning chemistries for industries ranging from electronics and advanced packaging to metal finishing and aerospace applications. Since its founding in 1990, KYZEN’s innovative cleaning technologies, scientific expertise, and customer support have been repeatedly recognized with the industry’s most prestigious awards. For more information, visit www.kyzen.com.

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