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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-04-14
  • Views: 1788Times

Budget-Friendly Solder Recovery from EVS and WittcoSales at the Del Mar Electronics & Mfg Show

April 2023 EVS International, the leader in solder recovery, today announced plans to exhibit at the Del Mar Electronics & Manufacturing Show (DMEMS) 2022, scheduled to take place April 26-27, 2023 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in San Diego, CA. WittcoSales, Inc. will showcase the EVS 500LF Solder Recovery System in Booths 413 and 415.


EVS continues to improve the performance of its solder recovery units, and the EVS 500LF is no exception. With improved performance plus a significant price reduction, everyone can enjoy the savings that EVS solder recovery systems can offer. The EVS500LF is designed to ensure that the maximum recovery is maintained throughout the life of the wave solder system. Users can quickly recover up to 80 percent of pure solder with a higher ROI from the waste dross.


The EVS 500LF has the same footprint as a printer and is aimed at multiple markets. The customer with one lead wave and one lead-free wave, the customer who uses Nitrogen or wants to reduce their Nitrogen usage, the customer with selective solder pots who only removes small amounts of dross every hour or the customer with multiple waves where one EVS 500LF is connected to each wave. 


WittcoSales represents EVS in Southern California. For more information, visit www.wittcosales.com.

For more information about EVS International’s industry-leading systems, visit www.solderrecovery.com.

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