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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-04-26
  • Views: 1411Times

Accu-Assembly Inc. Introduces Vertical, Modular SMT Component Reel Storage & Retrieval System

NORTH READING, MA ― April 2023 ― Accu-Assembly Inc., a leading industrial automation company, is pleased to introduce the AccuLiFT SMT component reel vertical modular storage and retrieval system. With quick and easy changeover, the AccuLiFT’s flexible reel configuration enables small and large reels to be interchanged at any position on the pallet.

The base unit can store up to 3,900 7" reels, with the ability to store up to 8,400 reels with two additional vertical storage units. Component reels are stored on pallets constructed of a steel frame with ESD plastic trays. 

The AccuLiFT uses Vertical Lift Module (VLM) technology that has been utilized reliably to store and retrieve parts for many years. Additionally, the modular system can expand vertically to conserve floor space as customers require additional reel storage. The system uses Direct Drive Technology with auto correction – no calibration needed.

The system features a robotic, automated, dual-level operator reel loading/unloading station, thus reel loading and unloading can take place simultaneously to reduce cycle time. Additional benefits include automatic barcode scanning of all reels on the pallet and automatic reel thickness detection. Multiple job sorting capability is a standard feature, resulting in faster kitting.


Optional features include the ability to print and place UID label on component reels and interface to X-Ray component counters.


Known throughout the industry as a manufacturer of quality assembly products for pick-and-place systems, Accu-Assembly’s core competency is software development and interfacing to various types of databases. The AccuLiFT has a flexible software interface for integration with SMT placement equipment and MES/ERP systems.


The AccuLiFT is manufactured in the USA. For more information about Accu-Assembly’s automation and productivity solutions, visit www.accuassembly.com



About Accu-Assembly Inc.
Founded in 1997, Accu-Assembly is an industrial automation company. Other products of Accu-Assembly include BarTector, HumiTel, AccuEye. and Accu-ID.  Accu-Assembly’s core competency is software development and interfacing to various types of databases. For more information, visit www.accuassembly.com


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