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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-05-11
  • Views: 2120Times

DERRY, NH – May 2023 – StenTech® Inc., the leading multinational SMT Printing Solutions company, will exhibit at the SMTA Wisconsin Expo & Tech Forum, scheduled to take place Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at the Crowne Plaza Milwaukee Airport. Raza Khan, StenTech’s Central Area Sales Manager, will be available to discuss the unique Advanced Nano Stencil technology.


Advanced Nano is a highly unique coating that is applied to the bottom side of the stencil and inside the apertures, the squeegee side remains uncoated. This coating provides the stencil with anti-adhesion properties. Advanced Nano utilizes a specialized 1-3 um hardened nano coating. This permanent hydrophobic and oleophobic coating repels solder flux, allowing increased transfer of paste. 


Advanced Nano increases transfer efficiency up to 25 percent, and enables significantly less bridging due to its paste efficiency benefits. Due to the anti-adhesion or "non-stick" characteristics, underside cleaning is reduced, giving customers a better yield and less expense on rework and touch-up. Stencils coated with Advanced Nano are ready for use just 30 minutes after coating.


StenTech has been leading the way in stencil technology, being the first company to introduce Fiber Diode lasers into North America. With more than 30 experienced CAD designers, their strength is the support they provide in stencil modifications, materials and thickness recommendations.  StenTech, incorporates sub-brands, PhotoStencil and ADT and offers a complete array of stencil technology, custom-tailored to suit your manufacturing requirements. They manufacture all types of stencils for the SMT industry. 


To learn more, visit www.StenTech.com 


About StenTech, Inc.

StenTech has been leading the way in laser cut stencils, being the first company to introduce Fiber Diode lasers into North America. With over 20 experienced CAD designers, their strength is the support they provide in stencil edits, material, and thickness recommendations.  StenTech offers a complete array of stencil technology, custom-tailored to suit your manufacturing requirements. They manufacture any type of stencil for the SMT industry. To learn more visit www.StenTech.com.


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