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- Source: Isola
- Date: 2023-06-08
- Views: 2168Times
Isola Group is inviting the RF/microwave industry to find more practical circuit material solutions at the upcoming 2023 IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) exhibition. Welcoming visitors to the San Diego Convention Center (San Diego, CA) for the industry’s largest annual RF/microwave conference and exhibition during June 13-15, 2023, Isola Group is offering a sampling of its extensive lines of laminates and prepreg materials for RF, microwave, millimeter-wave (mmWave), and photonics circuits. Representatives from Isola Group will be on hand at exhibition booth #2235 to discuss design strategies, manufacturing methods, material testing, and how to find the best circuit material for that special project, no matter how high in frequency. Isola’s team has tackled a wide range of applications, from ADAS automotive radars to satellite communications (satcom) receivers, and they look forward to exploring how their materials might satisfy your circuit requirements.
As the RF/microwave industry moves higher in frequency, in almost all markets including commercial, industrial, medical, and military/aerospace business, circuit materials serve as foundations and starting points for higher-frequency circuits. Those materials must transfer signals with smaller wavelengths and do so with as little loss as possible. Circuit materials for RF and microwave circuits have long provided the characteristics needed for critical applications, including electronic warfare (EW) and radar systems. But with more systems reaching for available channels and bandwidths at mmWave frequencies, the circuit materials must exhibit outstanding thermal behavior and excellent dielectric stability to minimize performance variations at mmWave frequencies. The circuit materials on display from Isola Group offer the characteristics and performance needed for repeatable mmWave circuits, and they have the chemistry that makes them extremely manufacturable, even for those fine circuit features needed at microwave, mmWave, and even photonic wavelengths.
One of those materials is Astra® MT77, available in laminate and prepreg forms. The circuit materials are characterized by a low dielectric constant (Dk) of 3.00 as measured through its thickness or z-axis at 10 GHz. The material has extremely low loss when used for printed-circuit boards (PCBs) at high frequencies, denoted by a dissipation factor (Df) of 0.0017 at 10 GHz. It maintains consistent electrical and mechanical attributes across wide operating temperature ranges in support of commercial and military applications at mmWave frequencies, including automotive ADAS radars and airborne radar systems.
For designers seeking circuit materials with higher Dk values, I-Tera® MT40 laminate and prepreg materials have a slightly higher loss, with Df of 0.0034 at 10 GHz. But these materials are available with a choice of Dk values: 3.38, 3.45, 3.60, and 3.75, all as measured through the thickness or z-axis of the material at 10 GHz. The higher Dk values enable miniaturization of circuit structures for a given frequency or wavelength, in support of reduce circuit size, weight, and power (SWaP) in military and aerospace applications.
Tachyon® 100G laminates and prepregs feature the electrical and mechanical traits that make them strong building blocks for high-speed-digital (HSD) circuits. They are similar in behavior to Astra® MT77, with Dk of 3.02 through the z-axis at 10 GHz and Df of 0.0021 at 10 GHz. But they are tailored for HSD circuits operating at speeds of 100 Gb/s and more. And they exhibit thermal behavior closely matched to Astra® MT77, as evidenced by their similar coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) values for a wide operating temperature range of -55 to +125°C. The thermal compatibility makes Astra® MT77 and Tachyon® 100G laminates and prepregs good candidates for hybrid PCBs, where one material holds RF/microwave circuits and the other handles HSD circuits.
Isola Group will also be showing its halogen-free materials at the 2023 IEEE IMS exhibition, with example circuits on its TerraGreen® laminates and TerraGreen® 400G laminates and prepregs. TerraGreen® features a Dk of 3.45 in the z-axis of the material at 10 GHz with Df of 0.0031 also at 10 GHz. TerraGreen® 400G laminates and prepregs exhibit lower Dk of 3.05 in the z-axis at 10 GHz and lower Df of 0.0018 at 10 GHz for outstanding performance in ultra-high-speed digital circuits requiring halogen-free circuit materials.
The materials are different but work well together and Isola Group’s representatives welcome visitors to the booth wishing to learn more about designing and manufacturing with the various circuit materials. Those not attending the 2023 IMS can find more information on any of these materials at the Isola Group website at isola-group.com.
About Isola
Isola Group is a leading global developer and supplier of advanced electronic circuit materials for high-voltage, high-power, high-speed, and high-frequency PCBs. By performing ongoing R & D on emerging circuit applications, such as military radar and EW systems, commercial 5G communications networks, and vehicle electronification, and operating a network of global factories, Isola provides cost-effective, high-performance solutions for the most challenging electronic single-layer and multilayer PCB applications.
Isola鼓励高频电路--与2023 IMS的实用材料解决方案
Isola集团邀请射频/微波行业在即将到来的2023 IEEE国际微波研讨会(IMS)展览上寻找更实用的电路材料解决方案。伊索拉集团将于2023年6月13日至15日在圣地亚哥会议中心(San Diego, CA)举办业界最大的年度射频/微波会议和展览,欢迎参观者参加,伊索拉集团将提供其广泛的层压板和预浸料系列样品,用于射频、微波、毫米波(mmWave)和光子电路。伊索拉集团的代表将在2235号展位上讨论设计策略、制造方法、材料测试,以及如何为特殊项目找到最佳的电路材料,无论频率有多高。Isola的团队已经解决了广泛的应用,从ADAS汽车雷达到卫星通信(satcom)接收器,他们期待着探索他们的材料如何满足您的电路要求。
其中一种材料是Astra®MT77,有层压板和预浸料两种形式。电路材料的特点是通过其厚度或z轴在10 GHz测量的介电常数(Dk)为3.00。当用于印刷电路板(pcb)的高频时,该材料具有极低的损耗,在10 GHz时耗散因子(Df)为0.0017。它在广泛的工作温度范围内保持一致的电气和机械属性,支持毫米波频率下的商业和军事应用,包括汽车ADAS雷达和机载雷达系统。
对于寻求具有更高Dk值的电路材料的设计人员,I-Tera®MT40层压和预浸料材料的损耗略高,在10 GHz时Df为0.0034。但是这些材料的Dk值有三个选择:3.38、3.45、3.60和3.75,所有这些都是通过材料的厚度或z轴在10 GHz下测量的。较高的Dk值可以使给定频率或波长的电路结构小型化,从而支持在军事和航空航天应用中减小电路尺寸、重量和功率(SWaP)。
Tachyon®100G层压板和预浸料具有电气和机械特性,使其成为高速数字(HSD)电路的强大构建块。它们的行为与Astra®MT77相似,在10 GHz时通过z轴的Dk为3.02,在10 GHz时Df为0.0021。但它们是为运行速度为100gb /s或更高的HSD电路量身定制的。它们的热性能与Astra®MT77非常匹配,在-55至+125°C的宽工作温度范围内,它们的热膨胀系数(CTE)值相似。热兼容性使Astra®MT77和Tachyon®100G层压板和预浸料成为混合pcb的良好候选者,其中一种材料用于射频/微波电路,另一种材料用于HSD电路。
Isola集团还将在2023年IEEE IMS展会上展示其无卤材料,其中包括TerraGreen®层压板和TerraGreen®400G层压板和预浸料的示例电路。TerraGreen®在10 GHz时材料z轴上的Dk为3.45,Df也为0.0031。TerraGreen®400G层压板和预浸料在10 GHz时z轴Dk低至3.05,在10 GHz时Df低至0.0018,在需要无卤电路材料的超高速数字电路中具有出色的性能。
这些材料虽然不同,但可以很好地结合在一起,Isola集团的代表欢迎参观者来到展台,希望了解更多关于设计和制造各种电路材料的知识。那些没有参加2023年IMS的人可以在Isola集团的网站Isola -group.com上找到更多关于这些材料的信息。
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