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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-06-10
  • Views: 2087Times

South-Tek Installs New Nitrogen Generator at Rocket EMS to Meet Growing Demand

Wilmington, NC. May 2023 – South-Tek Systems, a leading provider of mission-critical Nitrogen generators, has installed a new Nitrogen generator at Rocket EMS, a top electronics manufacturing services (EMS) provider located in Silicon Valley in their new state-of-the-art Nevada site. This new site will double Rocket EMS’s production square footage, driving the demand for Nitrogen supply in various applications. South-Tek’s cutting-edge solutions are specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of contract manufacturers, and their new generator will enable Rocket EMS to meet the growing demand for nitrogen.



Ken Gibson, Manufacturing Engineering Manager at Rocket EMS, commented on the installation, saying, “South-Tek is a stellar partner to work with, and we chose them over the competitors for several reasons. Their Nitrogen generators are self-sustainable, making them a cost-effective and reliable solution for our business. Additionally, their technical support team has been incredibly responsive and helpful throughout the installation process.”


Since 1997, South-Tek has designed, developed, and manufactured best-in-class Nitrogen generation technology. Based in the United States, South-Tek has more than 12,000 Nitrogen generator installations in privately held businesses and Fortune 500 companies. South-Tek’s commitment to delivering high-quality, reliable Nitrogen solutions has made them a trusted partner for businesses across a range of industries.


The installation of the new Nitrogen generator at Rocket EMS demonstrates South-Tek’s continued dedication to meeting the unique needs of their customers. As demand for Nitrogen supply continues to increase, South-Tek’s cutting-edge technology and exceptional customer service will continue to set them apart as a leader in the industry.


South-Tek’s generators offer purities of 95 percent up to 99.999 percent. All units are custom designed and can be packaged with a dedicated air compressor, dryer, and/or booster if needed for a complete turnkey solution. For larger flow rates or redundancy, duplexing options are available. 

South-Tek Systems’ nitrogen generation solutions have been installed at contract manufacturing facilities for the military and aerospace industries worldwide, providing customers with the highest level of nitrogen purity, reliability, and safety.

For more information about South-Tek Systems’ nitrogen generation solutions, visit www.southteksystems.com.

About South-Tek Systems
South-Tek Systems is a Pfingsten Partners company. Since 1997, South-Tek has designed, developed, and manufactured best-in-class Nitrogen generation technology. Based in the U.S.A., South-Tek has over 12,000 Nitrogen generator installations in privately held businesses and Fortune 500 companies.


Media Contact:
South-Tek Systems, LLC
Caleb Eagle

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