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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-07-13
  • Views: 2499Times

Machine builder Kurtz Ersa is expanding its global production capacities by establishing a new production facility in Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua). The significant investment in Northern Mexico reflects Kurtz Ersa´s commitment to meet the growing demands of the market and strengthen its presence in the Americas.

The new production facility in Ciudad Juárez will play a pivotal role in the production of Ersa Soldering Machines and will also serve as a pre-production center for Kurtz´s US factory. Initially, the plant will focus on manufacturing of Ersa HOTFLOW reflow soldering systems. The expansion will create Kurtz Ersa´s third-largest manufacturing site after Germany and China and will contribute significantly to the company´s global production capacity. “Mexico was chosen as the ideal location for this expansion due to its strategic advantages,” said Albrecht Beck, General Manager of Kurtz Ersa, Inc. “Its central location on the border provides excellent access and facilitates access to strong local markets in the Americas. Additionally, Mexico boasts a wealth of highly educated and motivated workforce to maintain our high German quality standards at a modern state-of-the-art factory.”

With the rapid growth in the Americas, the new production facility in Chihuahua will better serve local customers, minimizes the C02 footprint, shortens delivery times and reduces freight costs. The new production plant is expected to commence operations by spring 2024. Alongside our existing service and logistics hubs in Plymouth (Wisconsin, USA) and Guadalajara (Mexico), Juárez will become the third major service and logistics hub, further enhancing the capacities in the region. With the expansion, a know-how transfer from Europe to Mexico also took place, so that in the future – also thanks to the grown Mexican team – an even more competent support of Kurtz Ersa customers is guaranteed.


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