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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-08-16
  • Views: 1323Times

Currently most general-purpose thick film chip resistors in all markets utilize exemption 7c-1 for RoHS compliance. While subsequent revisions of the RoHS directive have continued to allow this exemption, it is unclear whether this will continue next year when the next update is expected.  For the next generation applications to be assured of compliance, the use of fully RoHS compliant resistors is prudent. However, finding full RoHS compliant thick film chip resistors that do not require the 7c-1 exemption can be difficult.

Stackpole’s RMEF series of AEC compliant general purpose thick film chip resistors offer all the cost and mass production capability benefits of thick film technology, using fully lead free and compliant materials which do not require any exemption to meet RoHS.

Many popular values of the RMEF series in the 0402-1206 sizes are now available from stock. Pricing for the RMEF varies with size and tolerance and ranges from $0.002 to $0.04 each in full reel quantities. Contact Stackpole or one of our franchised distributors for volume pricing.

For more information about Stackpole products, contact Stackpole Electronics, Inc. at 3110 Edwards Mill Rd., Suite 207, Raleigh, NC 27612; phone 919-850-9500; email marketing@seielect.com; or visit our website at seielect.com.

About Stackpole Electronics Inc.
Stackpole Electronics Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of resistors. Headquartered in Raleigh, N.C., the privately held company began manufacturing in 1928 as part of Stackpole Carbon Company in St. Mary’s, Pennsylvania.  Now part of the Akahane Stackpole Manufacturing Group, Stackpole has facilities in Japan, Taiwan, China, the US and Mexico.

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