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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-08-25
  • Views: 1365Times
Leading Equipment Supplier Showcases Expertise in Thermal Process and Temperature Measurement at SMTA Guadalajara Expo & Tech Forum

KIC, a renowned pioneer in thermal process and temperature measurement solutions for electronics manufacturing, is thrilled to announce its participation in the upcoming SMTA Guadalajara Expo & Tech Forum. The event is scheduled to take place on October 25-26, 2023, at the esteemed Expo Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico. Miguel Carbajal, KIC’s dedicated Mexico Sales Manager, and Miles Moreau, General Manager, will be on-site to engage with industry experts and engineering professionals and discuss the latest developments and innovations.

At the event, KIC will showcase its groundbreaking advancements in process optimization and recipe refinement strategies as well as its latest state-of-the-art sensing technologies. These cutting-edge solutions are designed to address challenges related to defects reduction, improved Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and product quality, oven performance tracking, and innovative thermal profiling methodologies.

The dynamic landscape of electronics manufacturing, especially within the automotive sector in Mexico, demands intelligent utilization of extensive data to foster flexible, efficient, and successful manufacturing operations. KIC’s acclaimed “Heat to Data™” approach presents a comprehensive ecosystem encompassing all facets of electronics assembly and semiconductor packaging thermal processes. The company’s solutions effectively tackle the challenges of temperature profiling, process setup, and inspection/monitoring, while also facilitating automation, traceability, and connectivity across diverse sectors including automotive, medical, aerospace, network, and military markets.

For inquiries, please contact: na.sales@kicmail.com.

For more information about KIC and its revolutionary solutions, please visit kicthermal.com.

About KIC
KIC is a trailblazing provider of thermal process and temperature measurement solutions, dedicated to transforming electronics manufacturing through innovation. With a legacy spanning 45+ years, KIC’s expertise lies in delivering cutting-edge solutions that optimize soldering and curing processes, enhance Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), and streamline manufacturing operations. The company’s footprint extends to over 28,000 systems in the field, affirming its reputation for providing the most reliable, accurate solutions available in the market. KIC’s ecosystem of smart oven technologies caters to diverse sectors including automotive, medical, aerospace, network, and military markets. With a commitment to excellence, KIC empowers manufacturers with automation, traceability, and connectivity to thrive in the era of the ‘smart factory.’

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