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Current Location:HOME
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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-09-04
  • Views: 1270Times

VJ Electronix, Inc., the leader in rework technologies and global provider of advanced X-ray inspection and component counting systems, is pleased to announce its participation in the upcoming SMTA Long Island Expo & Tech Forum. The event, scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023, at the Marriott Melville Long Island, will feature a presentation titled “Putting Rework to Work for You” by Jim Bishop, Regional Sales Manager at VJ Electronix.

In an industry where perfection is the goal, the topic of rework often takes a back seat. However, the reality is that no process is flawless, and engineering changes are inevitable. Reliable rework is not just a necessary evil—it’s a valuable function within electronic manufacturing processes.

Bishop’s presentation will delve into the challenges and recent advancements in rework technology and best practices. Attendees will gain insights into generating rework thermal profiles, effective methods for applying flux and solder paste, and site dressing techniques. The presentation will also include valuable guidelines for stencil designs specifically applied to rework scenarios. As a fitting conclusion, attendees will be treated to a glimpse of specific rework applications that highlight the effectiveness of these strategies.

For more information or to schedule a demo, visit www.vjelectronix.com.

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