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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-09-26
  • Views: 835Times

KYZEN, the global leader in innovative environmentally friendly cleaning chemistries, will exhibit at SMTA International from Oct. 9-12, 2023, at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minnesota.

Visit the KYZEN cleaning experts on-site in Booth #1501 to learn more about AQUANOX A4618, their newest ground-breaking aqueous cleaning solution, and its compatibility with the powerful KYZEN Process Control System (PCS).

AQUANOX A4618 is designed to address the challenges of cleaning contemporary lead-free flux residues while achieving pristine, mirrored solder finishes. KYZEN PCS, the world’s only complete concentration monitoring and control system, effectively controls, monitors and automatically reacts to dynamic changes in wash bath concentration. Together, the superior cleaning capabilities of AQUANOX A4618 and the efficacy of KYZEN PCS allow users to maximize their aqueous cleaning process while maintaining a low cost of ownership and exceptional material compatibility.

KYZEN cleaning experts will also share their insights and expertise with presentations at the SMTAI Technical Conference on the following topics:

  • Monday, Oct. 9, 2:00 – 2:30 PM “Engineering Curiosity and Why it is a Must for Mission Critical Manufacturing” presented by Adam Klett, Ph.D., KYZEN Director of Science.
    Room 200 A/B
  • Thursday, Oct. 12, 10:30 PM – 12:00 PM: “Performance Comparison of Contemporary Stencil Coatings and Under Wipe Solvents on 0.4mm BGA Packages” presented by Debbie Carboni, KYZEN Global Product Line Manager – Electronics.
    Room 200 C

To keep up with all the latest news regarding KYZEN at the SMTA International Expo and more, visit www.kyzen.com/about-kyzen/events.

KYZEN is a global leader in providing environmentally responsible, RoHS compliant precision cleaning chemistries for industries ranging from electronics and advanced packaging to metal finishing and aerospace applications. Since its founding in 1990, KYZEN’s innovative cleaning technologies, scientific expertise, and customer support have been repeatedly recognized with the industry’s most prestigious awards. For more information, visit www.kyzen.com.

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