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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2023-10-25
  • Views: 937Times
CalcuQuote, a supply chain solution provider for the electronics industry, is honored to announce that its cutting-edge quote management platform, QuoteCQ, has been awarded the prestigious Step-by-Step Excellence Award (SbSEA). The award was announced during ceremony at NEPCON Asia on October 11, 2023. 

QuoteCQ, a comprehensive quote management platform, has redefined the way electronics companies handle and respond to quote requests. By automating various critical aspects of the quoting process, including component costing, labor estimation, and pricing, QuoteCQ empowers companies to generate accurate quotes swiftly, greatly enhancing their responsiveness and competitiveness in the market. 

The Step-by-Step Excellence Awards (SbSEA) program, formerly known as the Vision Award, is one of the most influential and respected awards within the industry in China. It draws widespread participation and support from both international and domestic suppliers serving the industry. The award winners are judged by a panel of technical experts within the field, senior executives from downstream industries, and dedicated readers of Step-by-Step New Technologies Magazine (SbSTM), formerly known as SMT China.

The recognition of QuoteCQ with the SbSEA is a testament to its exceptional capabilities in revolutionizing the way electronics companies handle quoting processes. The automation, accuracy, and efficiency that QuoteCQ brings to the table are game-changers for electronic manufacturing providers, enabling them to streamline their operations and enhance their ability to compete effectively in a rapidly evolving market.


QuoteCQ's user-friendly interface and powerful features have earned it the respect of industry experts and peers, solidifying CalcuQuote's position as a driving force in shaping the future of the electronics manufacturing industry.


"We are immensely proud to receive the Step-by-Step Excellence Award for QuoteCQ," said Jani Leppälammi, VP of Business Development at CalcuQuote. "We believe that efficiency and accuracy are key to success in the electronics industry, and QuoteCQ is a testament to that belief. We extend our gratitude to the experts, executives, and readers who recognized the value of our platform."


To learn more about CalcuQuote and its award-winning platform, QuoteCQ, please visit www.calcuquote.com or contact the CalcuQuote team directly.



About CalcuQuote


CalcuQuote provides quoting and supply chain software for the electronics industry. With a focus on the future, CalcuQuote improves the speed, accuracy and efficiency of the quoting and supply chain process by optimizing operations and implementing sustainable digital solutions. Founded in 2014, CalcuQuote currently serves hundreds of electronic manufacturing companies and has a global customer base.


For more information, visit www.calcuquote.com.


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