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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2024-01-05
  • Views: 1094Times
Seika Machinery Celebrates Three Decades of Excellence in Supplying Electronics Machinery & Products

TORRANCE, CA — January 2024 — Seika Machinery, Inc., a leading provider of advanced machinery, materials and engineering services, proudly marks its 30th anniversary. As a subsidiary of Seika Corporation, a global supplier of industrial machinery and electronics products, Seika Machinery has consistently delivered top-tier equipment and unrivaled support to its valued customers.

Since its inception, Seika Machinery has continuously pushed the boundaries, expanding its horizons in the electronics manufacturing sector. The establishment of its Atlanta and San Francisco branches, introduction of cutting-edge Surface Mount Technology (SMT) line equipment, and the successful development of a new business division exemplify its journey of progress.

Seika Machinery represents renowned brands such as Hioki, Sawa, McDry, Sayaka, Malcom, Unitech, Seitec, Tamura, Kyowa, Musashi, Tsuchiyama, Eightech, and more. It not only provides equipment but also delivers world-class support, encompassing sales, engineering, and technical assistance to meet the diverse needs of its customers.


Michelle Ogihara, VP of Sales commented, “Our enthusiasm for providing high-quality equipment and technical support capability extends beyond the electronics industry to various sectors, including chemical, medical, aerospace, and general business fields. Throughout our 30-year journey, we have remained committed to innovation and ensuring that our clients have access to the latest technologies. We take pride in our contribution to the growth of industries and the people and companies involved. As we look back on our achievements, we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead, and we remain steadfast in our dedication to providing exceptional solutions and service in the years to come.”


Seika Machinery's 30th anniversary is a testament to its enduring commitment to excellence, innovation, and its pivotal role in shaping the electronics manufacturing industry. The company's legacy continues to inspire and drive progress across multiple industries.


For more information, contact Michelle Ogihara at 310-540-7310; e-mail michelle@seikausa.com; or visit www.seikausa.com.



About Seika Machinery, Inc.

Seika Machinery, Inc. (SMI) is a subsidiary of Seika Corporation, Japan and member of the Mitsubishi Global Group. SMI provides electronics manufacturers with advanced machinery, superior materials and engineering services.


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