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  • Source: MW Associates
  • Date: 2024-02-27
  • Views: 1288Times
February 2024 ― Kübler US Corp. High Tech Solutions is excited to announce the appointment of Todd Foster of Foster Innovative Technology (FIT) as its newest representative. Serving the strategic regions of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, Foster's expertise will be instrumental in introducing Arcadia's award-winning products to the Pacific Northwest.

FIT, renowned for its commitment to providing world-class solutions, aligns perfectly with Arcadia's mission of delivering top-tier inventory control and component management systems. The ARCHIMEDE Smart Storage System, celebrated for its space efficiency and cutting-edge technology, is set to transform inventory management with its innovative design and comprehensive features.


Boris Kubler, Managing Director of Kubler US, is spearheading the initiative to bring these groundbreaking products to the American market. "We are thrilled to have Todd join our esteemed network of representatives," says Kubler. "With top reps like Don Dennison in the Northeast, The Murray Percival Company in the Midwest, and SmartSol in Mexico, we're building an unparalleled network to offer these industry-leading solutions at prices well below our competitors."


Todd Foster shares the excitement for this new venture. "The Pacific Northwest's tech industry is vibrant and always seeking innovation. Arcadia's ARCHIMEDE system is exactly the kind of breakthrough that our customers have been waiting for. I'm proud to bring this technology to our market," he stated.


Under the guidance of Boris Kubler, Arcadia continues to expand its reach across North America, ensuring that more industries can benefit from its award-winning products and exceptional technological advancements.


For further information on Kubler US, ARCHADIA SRL and its pioneering inventory control solutions, please visit https://www.arcadiasrl.it/?lang=en


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